I'm going to make this post short and sweet for you all. Partially because I just was informed it is statistically proven that most blog readers only skim, and also because it is kind of late (schoolwork comes first though).

Pathetic, right (about the skimming)? Well, it's okay... sometimes I skim too.

This is the first post on a mini series called The Heart of a Woman (or H. O. W. for short).
Specifically, this post is going to talk about true feminine beauty.

I'm not going to dive into the controversial topic over skirts v. jeans - I really don't care what a girl wears as long as it is modest and she feels like God approves.

I am, however, going to talk about how our culture degrades women. Look around. I know you see it too. We have lost our sacred identity for the most part. In general, we have become degraded to the point that we don't even know where to look for our self-worth. It is an increasingly popular trend to look for affirmation in our friends... specifically the guy kind of friends.
Thus, clothes, attitudes, and morality get flushed away.

Since God created us, He knows that we need to find our identity somewhere - He knows that it is too easy to find a shallow form of what we have come to know as "self-worth."
Who are we kidding?
We want to be beautiful. We want it so badly. Most of the time we deceive ourselves into thinking that beauty and love are connected. "If I'm beautiful, everyone will love me." That is the biggest lie for women in America. Ever.
But since it is an innate desire, we can't shut it out — it's a need. Don't ignore it.
God definitely has something better for us than trying to look beautiful just for the sake of attention.
Personally, I know several girls who pursue that kind of attention... and apparently that is socially acceptable. It also happens to be empty.
This is just another of the devil's ploys. Probably one of the greatest booby-traps ever. Don't fall into it.

I know that you, dear readers, probably already know all this. However, I would just like to challenge you all to a higher standard to beauty. You are beautiful, no matter what the world says. Curvy or flat, short or tall, round or narrow.
Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder (luckily our beholder's eyes belong to God).
Just accept your flaws. Find your self-worth in God and not in man. Beware of pride though...

I'm sure you know this verse: Proverbs 31:30 - "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
True feminine beauty comes from within — it comes from a spirit that loves God wholeheartedly and unashamedly. When we have that much inner beauty, it starts to spill over and into our physical appearance. And that my friend, is what true beauty looks like. A complexion radiating of supernatural love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.
God loves you -- He made you. You are unique. Love Him back. Thank Him for how He made you.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

As I look at SAH's column of "followers," I see each one of you as beautiful — not just outwardly, but inwardly too.
I have been blessed to share this journey with sisters who radiate a passion and love for our Savior. Please don't keep this beauty to yourselves, share it.

My prayers go out to each of you; continue to stay beautiful, strong, and bold in Christ's love.

P.S. Stephanie is taking the ACT all tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. If you think to, please pray that God would bless and prepare her mind throughout the day.

Again, comments are appreciated. =]
2 Responses
  1. Bethany Says:

    You're so right! I've seen it time and time again when women look to people and outward beauty to define their worth and it leaves them empty. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

  2. Christine Says:

    Thanks for your comment, Bethany! I appreciate your kind words and thoughts on the post. =]


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