
Imagine in heaven God lovingly shows you His plan for your earthly life. You see footprints walking through each day. On many of the days, two sets of footprints appear. You inquire, “Father, are those my footprints every day, and is the second set of prints when You joined me?”

He answers, “No, My precious child. The consistent footprints are Mine.

The second set of footprints is when you joined Me.”

“Where were You going, Father?”

“To the destiny I planned for you, hoping you’d follow.”

“But, Father, where are my footprints all those times?”

“Sometimes you went back to look at old resentments and habits. Sometimes, you departed from My path and chose your own instead. Other times, your footprints can even be seen on another person’s path because you liked their plan better. At other times, you simply stopped because you would not let go of something you could not take with you.”

“But even if I didn’t walk with You every day, we ended up okay, didn’t we?”

He holds you close and smiles, “Yes, child, we ended up okay. But, you see, okay was never what I had in mind for you.”

“Father, what are those golden treasure boxes on certain days?”

“Blessings, My child, I had for you along the way. Those that are open are those you received. Those still closed were days you did not walk with Me.”

This story was from the Beth Moore: Breaking Free Bible study, and it really touched me.

Have you ever gotten right with God – accepting Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for your sins, and receiving His forgiveness and salvation? If so, you have been justified – a legal transaction in which God looks at you just as if you’d never sinned, because Jesus took your punishment. Praise the Lord!

If that has happened in your life, God has given you a new heart. You used to a have a sin-stained, hardened, cold heart. God has replaced that heart with a heart of “flesh” – that is, one that can love, be loved, and be molded and shaped into the image of Jesus Christ!

This is a very important point about the heart. People often sin and then beat themselves up, saying, “Oh, I am just HORRIBLE. How could God love me? How could God have a plan for me? How could I even be saved?” And they don’t realize that when they sin, they are letting their old selves, and the sin principle living in them, live through them. Their true self is saved, and brand new, and wants to do right. However, their zombie-man, the sin principle living in their flesh, wants to get the best of them.

This provides a whole new outlook on sin. When I learned this, when I was tempted to sin, instead of thinking “ugh, I’m so horrible and disgusting, how could I want to do that?” I would think, “Huh. I don’t really want to do this. The sin principle in me wants to do this, but I – Stephanie, who is a saved child of God – do not want to do this.”

Obviously we need to take sin seriously, and try to overcome it with the help of the Holy Spirit. But we do not need to feel condemned. We have a new heart! We WANT, deep, deep inside, to do the right thing! We are now dead to sin, and alive unto Christ, because of what Jesus has done for us. We are no longer enslaved to sin. Romans 6: 11-14 says, “So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will have NO DOMINION over you, since you are not under law but under grace.”

Verses 17-18 say, “But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient FROM THE HEART to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.”

Check out Romans 6-8 to understand this concept more fully. It really is a freeing, revolutionary concept!

Check out some verses about the new heart God has given us! Note: I got a lot of these verses from this website. Just want to give credit where it is due!

Ezekiel 36:26-27

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a
heart of flesh.
And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be
careful to keep my laws.

Ezekiel 11:19-20

I will give them an undivided heart and will put a new spirit in them;
I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.
Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be
my people, and I will be their God.

The website says: “Jesus fulfilled these prophecies; He made it possible for the Father to
re-create the heart of man. Our Spirits are made new when we are born again
in Christ Jesus. He literally re-creates our innermost being for us. And our
old hearts which were hard towards God and un-moldable by His Word become
soft, fleshy hearts which He can easily touch and move. He is then able to
move us to follow His decrees, and to be faithful to His laws.”

Ephesians 2:4,10

Because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us
alive with Christ
even when we were dead in our sins - it is by grace
that you have been saved... For we are God's workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

God has made us a new creation; given us a new heart.

2 Corinthians 5:17

If anyone is in Christ, he is a
new creation; the old has gone, the new has
come! All this is from God.

Romans 6:2-4

We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don't you know that
all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that,
just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father,
we too may
live a new life.

The Holy Spirit is in our new heart, and He helps us live a life of obedience, out of love.

Romans 5:5

God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has
given us.

Hebrews 10:16

…I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.

Now here’s the thing. We have free will. We chose to accept Jesus’ gift of salvation, and now we have the Holy Spirit in us and a desire to do good and serve God. God will not force you to serve Him. He wants you to say, “God, I love You, so I am going to serve You with my whole heart.”

We can’t do it on our own – but we need to take initiative. If we want to, we can totally let the sin nature in us take over, and live in the flesh. We can be lazy, not read the Bible, and simply sit there. But that is NOT how God desires us to live!

We have a new heart. We need to cooperate with God and grow in Him! Let’s read His Word, follow His Spirit, and move onto the life He has in mind for us!


"Just follow your heart. Dream big dreams, be yourself, and follow your heart to where you want to go. It’s the only way to true happiness.”

"You can never go wrong if you just listen to your heart."

Sounds good, doesn’t it? Following our heart. Following our dreams and desires. It’s a pleasing message to hear, but is it actually grounded Biblically? Does it actually result in any kind of good results?

Watch a typical Disney movie, or an episode of Hannah Montana and you’ll get a whole boatload of this kind of philosophy. (I'm not dogging on Disney. I love Disney. I'm just saying, it's good to be aware of this.) Sadly, even in most Christian circles you’ll get this kind of thinking.

In actuality, the Bible talks about dying to self, and being filled with more of Christ. It talks about having godly counsel to help us when we can’t figure things out on our own. It talks about following the leading of the Holy Spirit, and not our “heart.”

See, the heart can be tricky to dissect. On one hand, I may have a God-given desire and longing that is grounded and legit. Other times, I might have a desire that is unwise and simply driven by the feelings of the moment. Because of this, the Bible says that “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). I might say that I want to follow my heart into missions, and that might be God’s will for me and a wonderful dream. Or I might say my heart is telling me to go out and date this guy, which may not be God’s will for me.

Since our hearts can deceive us, we need to focus on following God and His leading, and not our hearts. God’s guidance is way more reliable than what our feelings tell us.

Fireproof, the movie made by the church in Georgia that also made Facing the Giants (and, by the way, they are starting filming of a new movie: Courageous!), is such a wonderful display of what it means to lead your heart, not simply follow it. Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron), a fireman on the brink of divorce, makes a decision to trust Jesus with his life and truly love his wife, whether or not she deserves it. The kind of self-sacrificing love he shows can only be found through God’s love. It’s such a wonderful picture of what God can do when you truly serve Him with your life – in such practical ways as not criticizing your spouse or purposefully helping him (in Caleb's case, her) clean without being asked. Michael Simmons, a fellow Christian fireman that Caleb Holt works with, has such a great line in one part of the movie. Right after Caleb tells Michael he got saved and is now committed to saving his marriage with God’s help, Michael tells him about his previous divorce and what scars come with trying to “follow your heart.”

He says, “You gotta BEG God to teach you to be a good husband. And don’t just follow your heart, man, ’cause your heart can be deceived. Man, you gotta lead your heart.”

How do we do this? Get in His Word. Let me just say that again. The only way for us to effectively let God lead our hearts is if we are IN HIS WORD.

The Bible = our instructions for how to live on this earth. I would venture to say that it is impossible for us as Christian to be truly following after Him if we are not in His Word, desperately seeking Him and His will for our lives. And man, I really need to get better at getting in His Word.

Imagine what would happen if we all determined to let God lead our hearts, and follow after Him – not our feebly little hearts and feelings. I don’t know about you, but I know that I cannot lead my own life to anywhere worth going. I want my Lord and Savior to lead my life. And the greatest part is – He is lovingly reaching out and waiting for me to give Him the reins.


Hi ladies. :) I so look forward to writing to you all. I’ve had a very busy day, and this is the first time I’ve gotten to sit down and do something fun. (By the way, thank you for praying for me – the ACT went wonderfully yesterday. Well… as wonderful as the ACT can go. ;) ) By the way... isn't this picture adorable? Definitely "aww" worthy.

Girls love romance.

You don’t have to be an astrophysicist to know that. This is one of the main aspects of the heart of a woman. While guys may like being in a relationship, to girls it is life.

Look at the movies we watch. Girls get together at sleepovers and watch … let’s just say it’s not National Treasure. We like chick flicks about romance, “awwwing” over the cute way the guy proposes, crying in the sad scenes, and enjoying the love story. Look at the books we read. Obviously, romance is on a girl’s radar.

Girls stress and obsess over relationships. They so deeply desire to be loved, cherished, and adored. They want a guy to appreciate them for who they are. They want to be romanced. Girls define themselves by relationships. As Captivating puts it, “I am a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend. Or, I am alone. I’m not seeing anyone right now, or my children aren’t calling, or my friends seem distant. This is not a weakness in women – it is a glory. A glory that reflects the heart of God.”

Let me make clear that I am not saying obsessing over relationships is necessarily a good thing. Satan has taken the wonderful gift of romance and twisted and perverted it. All I’m saying is a deep desire for relationships (not only romantic – all kinds of relationships) in women is a very good thing.

You may ask, how does this reflect God? You see, God made us in His image. Yes, we are fallen beings. But the essence of who we are, without the sin that pollutes it, actually shows us things about God. For example, girls love relationships. They want to be loved. Likewise, God wants to be loved. He is a very relational God. As Captivating puts it, “God wants to be loved. He wants to be a priority to someone. How could we have missed this? From cover to cover, from beginning to end, the cry of God’s heart is, ‘Why won’t you choose me?’ It is amazing to see how humble, how vulnerable God is on this point. ‘You will find me,’ says the Lord, ‘when you seek me with all of your heart.’ (Jer. 29:13) In other words, ‘Look for me, pursue me – I want you to pursue me.’ Amazing. As Tozer says, ‘God waits to be wanted.’”

To be romanced is a very good, God-given desire. (Just look at Song of Solomon.) Often people get this idea about God that if they give their love story to Him, He will give them some ugly, old, undesirable man. Sure, God knew what He was doing when He CREATED THE UNIVERSE, but in my love life? He doesn’t know what I want in a guy. He doesn’t want me to have fun. It will be some stuffy, awkward relationship run by my parents. I just… I don’t want God to direct my love life.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Consider these facts with me for a second:

God created romance, and He thinks it is a good thing. The author of something surely knows more than anyone else does about it. (Especially when that Author is the all-knowing King of the Universe.)

Another thing… “No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)

Also, God created you. AND, He created your husband. He knows every single detail about you, and him. He knows your habits, your fears, your history, and even how many hairs are on your head. Considering that, don’t you think He is suited to pick out a person for you?

All this to say that God is NOT clueless when it comes to romance. He loves romance! He created it! He creates two people to love each other, share their lives with each other, and have a family! It is all so very beautiful.

However… this world is fallen. It is sinful. We cannot escape our sin natures no matter how much we try. There will be heartache and pain in this life.

The idea of romance has been warped, and cheapened. Some girls no longer care about being cherished – they just want someone to think they are half-decent and be with them so they’re not alone. Some guys have developed into consumers that look at girls like objects. I think it’s pretty safe to say that the way we’ve been handling this whole romance thing in America has not been working out so well. Broken hearts are the least of our worries. How about the amount of children out of wedlock, abortions, divorces, marriages in strife, sick and twisted things that happen in the dating world…

Oh, and how’s this for a statistic? The divorce rate for Christian families has ACTUALLY SURPASSED non-Christian families.

So clearly, we’re not handling relationships very well in the church either. I feel like, at least in my experience, there are two extremes and then some people in the middle. One extreme is represented by the many, many Christians I know who date just the same as non-Christians, and have no problem with that. Sure, they try not to go all the way before marriage, and they try to only date other Christians, but those are about the only restrictions they put on themselves. They obsess over relationships, mess around, and act like normal teenagers in this area. (Read Leslie Ludy’s books to see where that got her – desperate, lonely, addicted to being with a guy, and confused.)

There is another extreme. The courtship activists. Courtship IS the answer, according to some. Do not get me wrong. I have met many people who have courted/are planning to court and have a great attitude, anhd are loving and graceful. They have good motives and great intentions. However, I’ve also met a few that are judgmental and critical to anyone who does not court, because “that is God’s plan for everyone.” I personally believe that God might lead one person into a courtship relationship, but for another person, it might not be practical, applicable, or possible. They might date, under God’s leading, and with only the right person. (There are a million other things I could say here – at the right age, with parent’s guidance… etc. You get the idea.)

So what’s the deal here? Today I was trying to think of how I was going to write this. I really have no authority in this area. I would love for you to comment with your thoughts. I have not even been in a relationship yet. Still, I’ve learned just a few things, and God has really spoken to my heart two specific things about this broad topic.

First of all, assuming it is God’s will for you to get married and you are not called to singleness, your husband is alive, right now, somewhere on this earth. That should seriously affect the way we treat other guys. If your husband could see how you were acting toward guys right now, would he feel loved and cherished? Or would be feel betrayed? Proverbs 31, which is such a beautiful picture of a woman, says that a righteous woman will do her husband “good and not evil, all the days of her life.” Does it say after she is married? No… all the days of her life. A practical idea to help you when you feel lonely about not being in a relationship is writing a journal to your future husband, that you can give to him on your wedding day. That has really helped me put a whole new perspective on my relationship with guys.

Second of all, GOD should be our number 1. Ultimately, He is our Bridegroom. He loves us and is jealous for our attention. HE cherishes us. He is perfect. He won’t let us down like guys on this earth will. Until we get that figured out, we have no business trying to figure out a relationship with a person. 1 Corinthians 7:34 says, “And the unmarried…woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband.” The NIV says “her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.” Basically what that is saying is that singleness is a unique time in a girl’s life. It is the only time she has no family to worry about. She can go on a missions trip without a second glance, because she doesn’t have children and a husband. Oh-so-many girls are completely focused on their relationships with guys instead of treating them as brothers in Christ, helping each other glorify God and follow God’s plan. So many waste this opportunity of being single. We need to focus on our love of Christ in this time!

Okay… I’m just going to have to stop myself here. I could seriously write an entire two more pages on this. I apologize for my ramblings. If you read this whole thing, I would like to give you a piece of candy. Remind me if I see you. ;)

I hope you all realize how much God loves you, and wants to have a relationship with you. No – I don’t mean saving you from hell, although of course He wants to do that. I mean beyond that. He wants you to think of Him first when you wake up, and again when you fall asleep. Go on a date with God! Grab your Bible and ask Him to show you things. Pray to Him. He is jealous – jealous! – for your attention. Is God your fire-insurance policy, or is He your best friend? For real, Jesus Christ wants to spend time with you. He cherishes you. Look to Him first. Then, when God brings the right man along and says, “Go, it’s time, I created him and I love him and he is the man for you” - you can enjoy a God-scripted love story, which is way more beautiful than anything you could have created.

I'm going to make this post short and sweet for you all. Partially because I just was informed it is statistically proven that most blog readers only skim, and also because it is kind of late (schoolwork comes first though).

Pathetic, right (about the skimming)? Well, it's okay... sometimes I skim too.

This is the first post on a mini series called The Heart of a Woman (or H. O. W. for short).
Specifically, this post is going to talk about true feminine beauty.

I'm not going to dive into the controversial topic over skirts v. jeans - I really don't care what a girl wears as long as it is modest and she feels like God approves.

I am, however, going to talk about how our culture degrades women. Look around. I know you see it too. We have lost our sacred identity for the most part. In general, we have become degraded to the point that we don't even know where to look for our self-worth. It is an increasingly popular trend to look for affirmation in our friends... specifically the guy kind of friends.
Thus, clothes, attitudes, and morality get flushed away.

Since God created us, He knows that we need to find our identity somewhere - He knows that it is too easy to find a shallow form of what we have come to know as "self-worth."
Who are we kidding?
We want to be beautiful. We want it so badly. Most of the time we deceive ourselves into thinking that beauty and love are connected. "If I'm beautiful, everyone will love me." That is the biggest lie for women in America. Ever.
But since it is an innate desire, we can't shut it out — it's a need. Don't ignore it.
God definitely has something better for us than trying to look beautiful just for the sake of attention.
Personally, I know several girls who pursue that kind of attention... and apparently that is socially acceptable. It also happens to be empty.
This is just another of the devil's ploys. Probably one of the greatest booby-traps ever. Don't fall into it.

I know that you, dear readers, probably already know all this. However, I would just like to challenge you all to a higher standard to beauty. You are beautiful, no matter what the world says. Curvy or flat, short or tall, round or narrow.
Perfection is in the eyes of the beholder (luckily our beholder's eyes belong to God).
Just accept your flaws. Find your self-worth in God and not in man. Beware of pride though...

I'm sure you know this verse: Proverbs 31:30 - "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."
True feminine beauty comes from within — it comes from a spirit that loves God wholeheartedly and unashamedly. When we have that much inner beauty, it starts to spill over and into our physical appearance. And that my friend, is what true beauty looks like. A complexion radiating of supernatural love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.
God loves you -- He made you. You are unique. Love Him back. Thank Him for how He made you.
Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

As I look at SAH's column of "followers," I see each one of you as beautiful — not just outwardly, but inwardly too.
I have been blessed to share this journey with sisters who radiate a passion and love for our Savior. Please don't keep this beauty to yourselves, share it.

My prayers go out to each of you; continue to stay beautiful, strong, and bold in Christ's love.

P.S. Stephanie is taking the ACT all tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. If you think to, please pray that God would bless and prepare her mind throughout the day.

Again, comments are appreciated. =]

Do you know what the tabernacle is? According to the Old Testament, the tabernacle was the portable dwelling place for God’s presence from the time of the Exodus (exit) from Egypt through the conquering of the land of Canaan (Israel). Find out more about the tabernacle here.

Bear with me, folks. I will attempt to show you how this relates to your heart. :) Basically, God gave Moses instructions – meticulous instructions – on how to build the temple, and the upkeep was very important. The rules involving entering the tabernacle – especially the innermost circle – were even more rigorous. Only the High Priest was allowed to go into the Holy of Holies, and only once a year – on The Day of Atonement. The presence of God is a big deal.

Under the new covenant that came with Jesus’ sacrifice, God’s presence is no longer in a physical tabernacle. We don’t have to travel to Israel and go to a certain plot of land to access God’s presence. Through Jesus Christ, we can confidently access the throne of grace – we don’t need a priest as a mediator. Also, we have the Holy Spirit, so God now lives in us. This has huge implications.

Once we become saved, our heart becomes the temple of God. God’s presence goes WITH US.


Leslie Ludy, in her book Set Apart Femininity, presented an interesting parallel between our heart as a woman, and the tabernacle of God in the Old Testament. There are three sections to the tabernacle: the outer court, The Holy Place, and The Holy of Holies.

In today’s day and age, girls are told more and more to just be real, and to give themselves away more and more emotionally and physically. Females like Fergie who just give themselves away to be seen literally to the whole world are more popular and attractive than appropriate, moral, Christian girls. Now, more and more, girls treat guy friends just like girl friends, chatting with them late into the night, spilling their deepest secrets to them like it is no big deal.

In the movie Titanic (totally inappropriate by the way unless you have Clearplay), the main character Rose says, “A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets.”

I feel like in this day and age, this is becoming less and less true. The character of a woman is being warped by the culture more and more. We are becoming more “independent,” and more and more like men in many ways. We are taught to deny our emotions and just give ourselves away to whatever Bozo comes along.

Leslie’s basic message in this chapter is that a woman’s heart should be like the tabernacle of God. The outer court is where acquaintances and friends have access to. General things about ourselves.

Very close friends and family members we trust have access to the Holy Place. This is where our fears, insecurities, shortcomings, life details, and secrets lie. People that we intimately trust are in this inner circle. We shouldn’t just meet some guy on the street and spill our guts to him. We should not be an open book. We deserve more than that.

Next – the Holy of Holies. This is where our deepest, darkest, innermost secrets are. Basically God and your husband have access to this place. It is the “deep ocean of secrets” that Rose talks about. This is where deep wounds and hurts lie, along with our deepest dreams and hopes.

There are several examples in my own life and countless in the lives of other girls where girls get emotionally involved (even in a friendship! It doesn’t have to be a relationship) and basically tell guys way more than is appropriate for the level of friendship. Think of it this way: if your future children could see your interactions with your guy friends right now, would they be saying, “Mom, that’s not Dad! What are you doing?” or would they feel honored and cherished even now?

Leslie gives the story of one girl (we’ll call her Jessica) who met a nice Christian guy, and they started dating. Jessica spent lots of quality time with this guy, and she really began to trust him. She spilled everything to him – everything about her and her family, her hopes, her fears, her desires – the deep parts of who she was. In her mind, this was an emotionally-involved relationship in which they deeply cared for each other. In his mind, it was just a relationship with some girl. In a month or so, they broke up, and she could not believe all that she had told him. All that she could have saved for the special man one day who would actually care about her – her husband.

Our hearts should be sacred, and special. Only very close, trusted friends should be let into the Holy Place, and we should save the Holy of Holies for our husband, and obviously God. Clearly this is not a completely exhaustive, strict set of guidelines, and we don’t want to be secretive or cagey, but we do want to be cautious with what we tell guys. Girlfriends are just different than guy friends. They just are. Things should be kept appropriate, and we should try to honor our future husbands in our conversations even now! The general idea is to keep some things personal.

Your heart is special. Especially as a woman, you should have an air of mystery. You are not an open book for any random Joe Schmoe of the street to come read. In the American culture this is being undermined more and more, but that means we should fight for it more and more!

This kind of continues Christine’s last post on guarding our hearts. Let’s remember to keep some things personal, sacred, and special. You are precious to God, and He has something better for you than some guy who doesn’t really treasure what is very important to you. In the next post, Christine is going to begin a sort of mini-series on the heart of a woman, specifically. Should be great. :)

Add a comment below if you have thoughts to add. We’d love to hear!

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